Php Installation On Windows 10

  1. Install Php On Windows 10 Command Line
  2. Download Php For Windows 10
  3. Windows Php Download
  4. How To Install Php

by András Magyar

Now that you have set all the options, you should see a window that looks like this: PHP is ready to install, so click 'Next' to begin the installation. 16 If a message window pops up asking, 'Do you want to keep your php.ini file', click 'NO'. Troubleshooting PHP on Windows; Installation on old Windows systems; Installing PHP on modern Microsoft Windows systems and recommended configuration with common web servers. Note: If you are looking for information about older systems, such as Windows XP, 2003, 98 or Apache 1.x, see the Legacy Info section. The Official releases of PHP on. Steps to Install PHP 7.3 on Windows 10 PC. Click on the following link to download PHP 7.3 for Windows and choose the VC15 x64 Thread Safe or VC15 x86 Thread Safe version. Download PHP 7.3 for Windows. Now extract the ZIP file to a folder, for example, F: php73. Open the folder F: php73 and locate the file php.ini-development and rename it to.

PHP 8 is on the way. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install PHP 8 on your Windows 10 machine using Apache as a webserver. Download the necessary files. In this guide we will install Composer and PHP on Windows 10 so that we can install dependencies for our web apps directly from Windows command line. Download and Install Visual C.

PHP development on Windows has some disadvantages. But, Microsoft now offers a great option for PHP developers who work on Windows: The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). WSL is a compatibility layer for running Linux binary executables (in ELF format) natively on Windows 10. Microsoft says:

“This is primarily a tool for developers — especially web developers and those who work on or with open source projects”.

We can run a Linux environment directly on Windows without the overhead of a virtual machine.

Note: This article is not only for the Windows Insiders. These methods will work on the latest stable releases of Windows 10 as well.

In this tutorial, we will set up a LAMP stack (Ubuntu 16.04, Apache, PHP 7.1, MariaDB) on WSL for development. You can set up other stacks (for example, a LEMP stack) with similar methods.


Before you begin this guide, you will need the following:

  • A 64-bit version of Windows 10 with the Creators Update or later.
  • familiarity with Linux/bash (If you would like to get familiar with the command-line, you can read this DigitalOcean tutorial).

Step 1: installing bash on Windows

First, you will need WSL installed on your computer.

You can install more Linux distributions from the Microsoft Store (Ubuntu, openSUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12). But, in this tutorial, we will set up the LAMP stack on Ubuntu, so you need to select Ubuntu.

Microsoft has a great tutorial on how to install WSL, please follow the instructions of the article.

If you have successfully installed Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, let’s install and configure a simple LAMP stack for development.

Step 2: installing an Apache HTTP server

We want to install the latest stable version of Apache, but official Ubuntu repositories don’t contain the latest release.

We need to add a PPA for Apache packages. A Personal Package Archive (PPA) is a repository that allows third-party developers to build and distribute packages for Ubuntu. Ondřej Surý’s PPA offers the latest Apache/PHP packages for Ubuntu.

To add the PPA, run the following command in the WSL bash:

Once the PPA is configured, update the local package index:

Install Apache:

Create a project folder for your web applications. This folder should be outside of the WSL filesystem. I recommend you to use your Documents folder.

The following command will create a server folder inside your Documents directory. Please replace YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME with your Windows username.

Create a symbolic link to the selected folder.

Open the Apache default virtual host configuration file:

Modify the document root to “/var/www/devroot”, which points to your project folder outside of WSL’s filesystem. Set ServerName to localhost (if the port 80 is reserved by a Windows application, replace 80 with an unused port):

When you are finished, save the file by pressing Ctrl-O, and hit Enter to confirm. Exit with Ctrl-X.

Open your favorite Windows editor/IDE, and create an “index.html” file in your project folder (C:Users YOUR WINDOWS USERNAMEDocumentsserver) with the following content:

Start the Apache HTTP server:

Open http://localhost/ in your browser and you should see the “It works” title.

Don’t forget to enable Apache modules that are necessary for you. For example, you can enable mod_rewrite:

Step 3: installing the MariaDB server

Add a repo that contains the latest MariaDB packages:

Install MariaDB:

You will be prompted to create a root password during the installation. Choose a secure password and remember it, because you will need it later.

Start MariaDB:

Run the following script (this changes some of the less secure default options):

Step 4: installing PHP

Add PPA for the latest PHP:

Install PHP 7.1 packages:

We have to restart Apache:

Create an info.php file in your project folder with the following content:

Open http://localhost/info.php in your browser. If PHP works correctly, you should see the following:

Step 5: installing phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin is a free and open source administration tool for MySQL and MariaDB.

With phpMyAdmin, you can easily create/manage your databases using a web interface.

  • When the first prompt appears, press Space, Tab, and then Enter to select Apache.
  • Select yes when asked to use dbconfig-common to set up the database.
  • Provide your MariaDB root password
  • Choose a password for the phpMyAdmin application itself

Enable the necessary PHP extensions:

Restart Apache:

Now you can access phpMyAdmin on the following URL: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
You can login using the root username and the root password you set up during the MariaDB installation.

Step 6: installing Composer

Composer is a package manager for PHP. It allows you to install/update the libraries your project depends on. If you are a PHP developer you probably use composer.

Visit Composer’s download page and follow the instructions in the Command-line installation section. After Composer has installed successfully, you can install it globally:

Now it can be run from any location by typing:

Step 7: installing Git:

Git is a version control system which is primarily used for source code management. Learn more about Git here.

You can install it by running the following command:

Install Php On Windows 10 Command Line

Before you use Git (and if you aren’t familiar with it), please read the “How To Set Up Git” section from the How To Install Git on Ubuntu 16.04 tutorial.

Step 8: automatically start LAMP on WSL (optional)

Background tasks are currently not supported on WSL. When you close Bash your services (Apache and MariaDB) will stop.

Note for Windows Insiders: Background tasks are now supported on WSL starting with Windows Insider Build 17046 (for more details, you can read the following blog post: Background Task Support in WSL), but the auto start of services is still not available.

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Unfortunately, automatically starting your services is a bit difficult.

Let’s configure autostarting!

Download Php For Windows 10

We need to start the services without typing your password.

Before you get started with this, please take a look at the following tutorial How To Edit the Sudoers File on Ubuntu and CentOS.

Run the following command:

Copy and paste the following to the editor and then save:

This enables us to start the services (like Apache and MariaDB) without using our password.

Start Command Prompt (not the bash) as administrator and run:

The above command creates a task that runs automatically when you login to Windows. It does the following:

  • Starts Apache
  • Starts MariaDB
  • Changes the directory to your home directory

Don’t forget: when you close the terminal window, services will stop and you should restart them manually!

Step 9: add test domains (optional)

When you work on more web applications, multiple test domains will be helpful. For example, if you are working on, you can access the local development version on http://myapp.test/ instead of http://localhost/myapp.

In the following, you can replace “myapp” with your web application’s name.
Create a folder in your projects directory for your web application:

Add the virtual host file to Apache:

Save the following configuration to the new file (don’t forget to replace myapp with your application’s name).

Enable the new site:

Restart Apache:

Finally, start Notepad or your favorite editor/IDE on Windows with admin privileges (Run as administrator) and open the hosts file. It is located in the c:windowssystem32driversetc folder.

Add the following line to the end of the file and save it:

Now you can access your web application on the http://myapp.test/ domain.
You can also add more test domains with the same method.

Windows Php Download


How To Install Php

WSL does not replace Vagrant or Docker, and it is experimental. Automatically starting services is currently not supported on WSL, and this is one of the biggest problems with it at this moment. However, the Windows Subsystem for Linux is a great option for developers to use a native Linux shell on Windows. I think you should give it a try!

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